Wednesday, March 19, 2008

94 - 19th - Torre Mayor

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 19th Mar'08

Torre Mayor - The highest building in Latin America & the home to my office in Mexico City. The magnificence of this architectural marvel can only be realized when you stand under it's shadow. It towers upon you so majestically that you start feeling negligibly miniature.

I took this photo from a bridge while walking back to my hotel. Click here to see one more shot taken with a different perspective.

Click here to see the full sized image


Anonymous said...

I feel that the other pic to which you have given a link should have been on this page... The current pic shows the actual size of it, but the other one is more awe-inspiring...

Bossy Bee said...

Didnt like the pics but the sky looks nice in the linked one but the pic looks somehow incomplete. I somehow cant think, a building no matter how tall can inspire awe whereas an animal or the ocean or a mountain could.

Fonceur said...

yaar papa ji, urban photography is very tricky.. the pic you attached in the link would have looked nice if you had a wide angle lens mounted on your camera.

The torrey Mayor looks better from the other side of the road.

you should have tried to take a pic which shows more people and traffic rather than having bushes and trees on the feet of the building.

If you have a good zoom lens then you can also try a close up. It will look good..

Pratosh Dwivedi said...

Yaar D00d ji,
1. From the front I cant take a picture cauz the entire view is hidden due to the numerous trees. My initial plan was that only.
2. You know very well what camera I have & also that I dont have any lenses .. so all this wide-angle & zoom lens crap doesnt apply :D

Anyways, I did the best i could think of at that time :)

Fonceur said...

you had a choice to buy the lens, instead you brought that 28k worth gadget, now you tell me who is to blame..??

Anonymous said...

I guess Rubeena is not an admirer of architecture. Any object which shows the best in its own field is capable of inspiration to people who can see the beauty in it. Its not sheer size that brings awe, its the quality...Just like something in nature strikes a chord with some people, others are impressed by literature, architecture or the myriad other expressions of human creativity.