Tuesday, March 4, 2008

79 - 4th - The brown grass

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 4th Mar'08

Sitting right in the middle of a busy sideway leading to the beach, trying to focus your camera on a what's-so-special-in-that type of brown wild grass, you take a risk of appearing weird and insane to the people passing by. In the end, the risk was worth being taken as I ended up getting this crisp and clear macro.

Click here to see the full sized image


Anonymous said...

Pakka Image No.2...!
But something is missing in this image... I am leaving it to you... find out and improve it when you are posting the forthcoming images... might be while clicking…

Anonymous said...

Pakka Image No.2...!
But something is missing in this image... I am leaving it to you... find out and improve it when you are posting the forthcoming images... might be while clicking…

Anonymous said...

A rare theme for a photograph... I appreciate the way you look for unique images.