Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 14th Mar'08This is something about Cinema which I have observed only in South India, specially Chennai; large, gigantic hoardings, advertising the upcoming movies. In most of the places like Delhi and other parts of India where I have spent most of my life, the filmy advertising is there & that too in fanatic proportions, but I dont know whether it is the local civic rules or a completely different style, such BIG hoardings are nowhere to be seen. Cinema definitely is an essential part of life of most of the Indians.
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Though everyone is a human being, our character differs…
The full poster has come well in your camera. I have seen this hoarding; so able to compare with the real one… This image has come up very well…
The poster at Valluvarkottam!! Well, I have seen that everyday since it was put up, I never thought it would feature on a photography blog... Just shows that its the mind which sees the opportunities in everyday things that matters more than the expertise with the lens...
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