Thursday, September 25, 2008

284 - 25th - Never say die

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 25th Sept'08

How many of us would be willing to even step out of our house if we experience something even close to what this man in the image above is experiencing? Not able to see the world through his eyes, he is sitting on the pavement playing the instrument continuously without any signs of tiredness.

I was amazed by his attitude and the vivid expressions on his face. Life is tough but people like him seem to be tougher. Each time I feel let down by my circumstances, I remember him & immediately the heaviness seems to fade away. I learnt a lesson from him - nothing is tough if you really want to do it.

Click here to see the full sized image


aks said...
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aks said...

'nothing is tough' is just a statement, which is a controversial one according to me.

Well, the man in the photograph does prove that how much effort he is putting for his survival, but the thing that is toughest for him is only the fight for his survival.

This is one of those photos that depicts emotions. This photo depicts the pain and suffering of the man(that's what i can see) and i guess that's tough ... so things do are tough sometimes, but we have to do them.