Saturday, December 22, 2007

6 - 22nd - The Green Peas

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 22nd Dec'07

While preparing for dinner, I kept the frozen green peas in warm water to make them return to their original texture. While I was frying the onions and cutting the capsicum, the peas were getting soft at the other corner of the room. Once the onions were ready, I returned to the peas to drain the water off and put them in the curry. As I came back to them, I saw this beautiful pattern of vivid green near-circles floating in the water. The next moment, I had the camera in my hand.

Beauty sometimes hides itself in small things and invites you to find it, through observant eyes. To a careless view it wont be even visible. But once discovered, it gives such a joy to your heart.

Click here to see the full sized image

1 comment:

rajiv said...

Thank you so much for the picture....
Even i have encountered such situations, but a picture-'No'

Thanks again,