Wednesday, December 26, 2007

10 - 26th - A tough life

He is an old man who sells covers for ID cards just outside the main exit gate of the Volkswagen plant. I've been seeing him for around 6 months now. He arrives at around 10 AM in the morning and you can find him standing there till it gets dark. The small brick on which he keeps his bag is all he has in the name of his 'shop'. He carries two covers in his hands and recites something in Spanish to the people passing by, most probably the price of the covers.

He made me wonder how much easy money I am earning. He stands there for around 8 hours daily and would be managing to earn some 30 pesos on a good 'business' day. He is of the age of my grandfather and when its the fading years of his life, when he needs to get some rest from the hard spent years (as his present condition tells me) he is forced to spend days at a stretch standing on his rather strong legs, to fetch for a mouthful of bread.

This is his favorite or rather most comfortable pose to stand, as most of the times I find him standing in that stance. He always wears that cap of his and keeps on moving his makeshift 'shop' according to where proper shade is available.

I took this photo from a distance, so as not to embarrass him and obviously, myself too. So the clarity of the full image is not as good as expected. But the message that it conveys, is loud and clear.

Click here to see the full sized image


Vaibhav Gautam said...

HI pratosh......I am vaibhav......Nice pics n their explanations.......I think u have lot of interest in photography.....Well nice work..... Also look at for mine :):).......let me know howz it?????

rajiv said...

Good expression... Ur words gives a clear picture man... why worry that pic is NOT clear???

aks said...

dood ... i seriously got carried away by your words.

A serious advice, you should submit this pic in some competition.