Thursday, March 19, 2009

449 - 19th - Brave old trekkers

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 19th Mar'09

I had just started climbing down the peak of the volcano Malinche at around 15ooo feet when I met this old couple. Given the fact that I had seen many a young hearts loose their breath on their way up, it was really surprising to see this couple almost at the peak with a grin on their face. They were supporting each other through a common rope tied to their waists and were slowly but steadily heading towards the summit.

I stopped and talked to them. Both were in their late 70s and the guy was a doctor in Puebla. It was their love for nature and mountain climbing which brought them all the way up defying all the age related logic.

Click here to see the full sized image

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