Tuesday, April 1, 2008

107 - 1st - Weird

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 1st Apr'08

I couldn't figure out what exactly was she thinking nor could I figure out if actually the person was a "she", but the strange, absolutely silent posture in which she was sitting really made me stop and stare at her. It's not that her eyes were closed when my camera clicked, but she was sitting like that from the time I noticed her.

With a child pram parked next to her, with none-knows-what kept inside it, a book kept on her other side and a pair of glasses perched on her forehead, her face and hands covered with some white powder, I wasn't really able to decide what was going on there. Her face had a kind of unusual expression, one that I couldn't identify.

Just observe the photo closely, I am sure you will also start feeling weird.

Click here to see the full sized image

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