Wednesday, April 16, 2008

122 - 16th - The clown

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 16th Apr'08

Its really thought provoking that what different types of work people do to earn a living. I shot this man. dressed as a clown, in front of a local restaurant window, trying to attract the attention of people dining inside.

How much would he manage to earn for a whole day? What would be his frame of mind while doing what he does daily? Can anyone of us imagine ourselves in such a role? Can anyone of us dare such an embarrassment (obviously an embarrassment to us) ?

This is the way people crush their inner inhibitions and shyness to earn a few dollars for a day. I feel blessed for having an easy & comfortable job & at the same time I pray for the betterment of lives of such people.

Click here to see the full sized image

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