Saturday, January 5, 2008

20 - 5th - The 'Moon'rise

Originally clicked by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 5th Jan'08

I sometimes feel lucky to capture such shots. I feel lucky because I am at the right place at the right time. I was just having an evening walk on the by-lanes of the city when I saw this 'perfect' sight of the full moon rising in the dark cover of late evening. I just stood there for some time and admired the beauty.

I took around five different shots, but thanks to the 'night-blindness' of my camera, this is the best I could get. As D00d has rightly said, somethings are just for the eyes to admire.

Click here to see the full sized image


Anonymous said...

This is one of the best pictures i have seen of the moon...i have tried a lot to do this and it never came out this well!!! Dude, you are good!!! And what is this about night-blindedness? The face on the moon is also very clearly could you get a better shot than this???!!!

Esther said...

For me it is one of the best pictures I have seen. Actually you can admire the natural beauty that surrounds us.
Congratulations for the excellent pictures you take, but you even more delighted by the sensitivity that you have. And as admire everything this around you.