Saturday, June 14, 2008

181 - 14th - Adiosito

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 14th June'08

I have spent around 9 months in Mexico, 3 trips, 3 months each. But this time when I headed back towards India, my heart was heavy like never before. The way I got attached to the place and the people during this trip was something very special. I felt as if I am leaving something precious behind and that I am going to miss it forever.

Sometimes you have things for ages and you feel no attachment & sometimes a mere touch makes you remember something forever. Thats the magic of life.

Though nothing special in this photo, I just wanted to post it, to mark the day.

Click here to see the full sized image

1 comment:

Esther said...

Pratosh tu eres una persona muy especial, con la virtud de tener el carisma y el caracter para se agradable ante las demas personas, no se a quien conociste que te hace escribir estos pensamientos tan bellos. Pero por mi parte te puedo decir que tu eres un muy buen amigo y siempre lo seras.
Te deseo exito en tu vida y en todos los proyectos que vas a tener.
Pratosh you are a very special person, with the virtue of having the charisma and character to be pleasant to the others, not to know who that makes you write these thoughts so beautiful. But for my part I can tell you that you are a very good friend and always will be.
I wish you success in your life and all projects that you need.