Sunday, June 1, 2008

168 - 1st - On cloud 9

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 1st June'08

My plane just took off from the Frankfurt airport towards Mexico city when I saw this spectacular view from the window. Small chunks of snow-white clouds scattered all beneath me, as far as my sight could reach. I literally felt "on top of the world". The sight was so awesome that you could just sit there and admire the magnanimity of which you are completely oblivious when on ground.

I took this photo from my N95 & given the shield of glass between the camera and the view, the clarity of the picture was considerably good.

Click here to see the full sized image

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


No se me importa un pito que las mujeres
tengan los senos como magnolias o como pasas de higo;
un cutis de durazno o de papel de lija.
Le doy una importancia igual a cero,
al hecho de que amanezcan con un aliento afrodisíaco
o con un aliento insecticida.
Soy perfectamente capaz de sorportarles
una nariz que sacaría el primer premio
en una exposición de zanahorias;
¡pero eso sí! -y en esto soy irreductible- no les perdono,
bajo ningún pretexto, que no sepan volar.
Si no saben volar ¡pierden el tiempo las que pretendan seducirme!...

Oliverio Girondo