Tuesday, February 17, 2009

429 - 17th - The sun, the volcano and the kite

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 17th Feb'09

This one is again from the evening at Cholula. As I have mentioned before, kites are the "in" thing right now in Puebla. I was sitting on the slopes of the pyramid staring at the setting sun and the volcano in the foreground, when suddenly this kite entered into the frame. The "pilot" of the kite was slowly winding up his string and bringing it down.

I had only a few shots at my disposal to catch the kite right in the middle of the sun and the mountain. Given the low light, I didnt have enough time to set the camera and get the sun a little less blurred, but the photo as a whole turned out to be good.

Click here to see the full sized image

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