Monday, October 13, 2008

302 - 13th - In the shade of the mountains

Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 13th Oct'08

At the first look, this photo will give you an image of a huge mountain with some sundry small things filling up the rest of the frame. The sheer size of the Grey mountain on the right of the frame seems to overshadow the significance of almost everything else in the picture. But if you enlarge the picture by clicking on it and see the full view, you will observe that there are three main things which catch your attention. What are they, I leave it for you to decide.

I took this picture while trekking up the mountain of Nevado de Toluca.

Click here to see the full sized image

1 comment:

aks said...

i m not sure which 3 things u r talkin abt but what i noticed are: first, two persons in the bottom left corner and those two seem to be far wa from u so i woner how far are those mountins; second, i can see a path/road on that mountain; third, i guess it is the aerial view of the city, if that's city at all; fourth may be those small rocks between u and the mountain that seem t form a mountain; and fifth that hut/building that looks smal from there.

well, that's what i can notice, do let me know what are the 3 things u r talkin abt