Originally clicked and uploaded by - Pratosh Dwivedi - 14th Jan'09It was 7 in the morning when we arrived to San Cristobal after a hour's drive from Tuxtla. the city was covered in dense fog and even a thick leather jacket was not able to keep away the chilly wind. We left our hotel around 6 in the morning & hence had a plan to take breakfast in San Cristobal. After scanning the downtown for half an hour we could find only a single restaurant open at that hour. We parked our car in an empty parking slot and started walking towards the restaurant.
On the way, we saw these hawkers selling
Tamales. Given the almost zero temperature, I could not resist buying one; even though my friends were not interested. While I was sitting & enjoying my steamy hot breakfast, I took this photo of the place. Though it didn't boast of high end customers, it was doing quite a good business.
Click here to see the full sized imageP.S Click on the image and observe the various subjects - it is really interesting :)